Security Watch is reporting a new MySpace security issue. The hack sendS an authentic looking patch from Microsoft to a person's computer, once they have clicked on a link to view a person's profile.
Once install the virus by hitting run, it opens a back door on the compromised machine and proceeds to download more down loaders, Trojans and a remote control tool from multiple servers. The infected files are coming from servers located in Malaysia and the Ukraine. McAfee has notified both MySpace and Microsoft but, at the time of writing, the booby-trapped MySpace profile was still live and serving up the malicious file.
When the article was published 01/13/08, MySpace had not fixed the issue, odds are very likely that they will be doing so in the future if not today as news gets out. The problem with getting this information out,is not everyone who uses MySpace reads security blogs or security news sites. Odds are most likely that there are going to be a huge number of people running around with compromised and virus infected computers.
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